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  Seminars & Workshops  

What you need, when you need it!

Sometimes, your group just needs to mix it up a bit!

We offer FUN and EFFECTIVE ways for you and yours to stay safe, stay healthy, and strengthen your bond!

Whether you're looking for self-defense, emergency planning, CPR/first-aid/AED certification, or just a fun afternoon experience, we have an option for you! Our seminars and workshops are tailored to the specific needs of your company, small business, church, club, school, or group of friends, giving you the solution you're looking for to meet your particular goals!


We can bring the training to you, or you can come to us at: 

1312 S. Main St.
N. Canton, OH 44720

Does your group need this?
Reach out!

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Seminar case study examples!

Self-Defense at Copeland Oaks Retirement Community! When the staff at Copeland Oaks asked us to provide some self-defense training for their residents, we were glad to work with them to provide reality-based training to help give their people tools to feel safer in their daily lives. They also had a lot of fun! We worked with their representatives to make sure that they got exactly what they needed!

"I've gone to a few seminars like this, but nobody does it as well as you! You're the first person who's told it like it is and I'll be practicing what you teach!" said one participant.


CPR/first-aid/AED training for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greater Canton (UUCGC)! 


You never know when you'll need the skills to literally save a life! You may not be able to predict when someone around you will have a medical emergency, but you can actively seek out the training to be able to respond effectively! 

The UUCGC took the opportunity to work with The Open Space to bring life-saving training to their people! Now it's your turn!

Women's Self-Defense at the YWCA!

Did you know that April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month? And October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month?


The YWCA of Alliance asked for our help in their mission of empowering women, and we made sure they got it! They wanted the women in their on-site housing, and in the surrounding community, to have access to the skills they'd need to resist sexual assault or domestic violence. 

Thank you, YWCA of Alliance! You're making a difference!

Kathie Lavery was in attendance, and had the following to say:
"They were professional, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and taught my class a lot about self defense. They care about people and wanted us to be prepared if a situation ever occurred where we needed to protect ourselves. I trusted what they said, and am taking their advice and practicing the methods. I highly recommend you take some classes!"

Martial Arts for Strength Development!


Too many martial arts schools neglect strength training as a part of their regular curriculum. So we invited members from other schools in the area to come by and learn some of what we do to be able to build some of the strongest martial artists around!


So reach out! Bring some of this awesomeness to YOUR people!

Contact Us

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Thanks for submitting! We'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Tel.: 234.425.7966


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